Package: tablesgg 0.8-1

tablesgg: Presentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2'

Presentation-quality tables are displayed as plots on an R graphics device. Although there are other packages that format tables for display, this package is unique in combining two features: (a) It is aware of the logical structure of the table being presented, and makes use of that for automatic layout and styling of the table. This avoids the need for most manual adjustments to achieve an attractive result. (b) It displays tables using 'ggplot2' graphics. Therefore a table can be presented anywhere a graph could be, with no more effort. External software such as LaTeX or HTML or their viewers is not required. The package provides a full set of tools to control the style and appearance of tables, including titles, footnotes and reference marks, horizontal and vertical rules, and spacing of rows and columns. Methods are included to display matrices; data frames; tables created by R's ftable(), table(), and xtabs() functions; and tables created by the 'tables' and 'xtable' packages. Methods can be added to display other table-like objects. A vignette is included that illustrates usage and options available in the package.

Authors:Richard Raubertas [aut, cre]

tablesgg.pdf |tablesgg.html
tablesgg/json (API)

# Install 'tablesgg' in R:
install.packages('tablesgg', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • iris2 - A Reshaped Version of Anderson's Iris Data
  • iris2_tab - Table of Summary Statistics for Anderson's Iris Data
  • mtcars_xtab - Table of Data from Motor Trend Magazine
  • styles_pkg - Built-In Styles for Table Elements
  • tli_xtab - Table of Test Scores and Demographics for 20 Students


3.70 score 5 scripts 155 downloads 35 exports 38 dependencies

Last updated 4 years agofrom:1a60f89486. Checks:3 OK, 5 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 07 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 07 2025



The tablesgg Package

Rendered fromtablesgg.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 07 2025.

Last update: 2021-06-03
Started: 2020-12-03

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Presentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2'tablesgg-package tablesgg
Extract a Subset of a 'texttable' Object[.textTable
Column Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Tableacol
Define a New Block of Cells in a TableaddBlock
Add a Horizontal or Vertical Rule (Hvrule) to a TableaddHvrule
Add a Reference Mark to Entries in a TableaddRefmark
Dimensions of the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Tableadim
Row Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Tablearow
Specify Visual Properties for Table Blockselement_block
Specify Visual Properties for Table Entries and their Cellselement_entry
Specify Visual Properties for Table Ruleselement_hvrule
Specify a Reference Mark that can be Added to Table Entrieselement_refmark
Extract Table Elements from a Plotted Tableelements
Get the Identifier Strings for Parts or Elements of a Tableids
A Reshaped Version of Anderson's Iris Datairis2
Table of Summary Statistics for Anderson's Iris Datairis2_tab
Table of Data from Motor Trend Magazinemtcars_xtab
A Plot Method for 'tabular' Objectsplot.tabular
A Plot Method for 'texttable' Objectsplot.textTable
Width and Height of a 'pltdtable' ObjectpltdSize
Print (Draw) a 'pltdtable' Objectprint.pltdTable
Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elementsprops<-
Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elementspropsa<-
Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elementspropsd<-
Create a Style ObjectstyleObj
Built-In Styles for Table Elementsstyles_pkg
Summarize the Dimensions and Options of a Plotted Tablesummary.pltdTable
Summarize the Dimensions of a Table and Its Partssummary.textTable
Get or Reset Package OptionstablesggOpt
Set the Values of Package OptionstablesggSetOpt
Create a Structure Representing a 2D TabletextTable
Create a 'texttable' as a Simple Listing of a Data
Create a 'texttable' from an 'ftable'textTable.ftable
Create a 'texttable' from a MatrixtextTable.matrix
Create a 'texttable' from a 'table' or 'xtabs' ObjecttextTable.table
Create a 'texttable' from a 'tabular' ObjecttextTable.tabular
Create a 'texttable' from an 'xtable' ObjecttextTable.xtable
Create a 'texttable' from an 'xtablelist' ObjecttextTable.xtableList
Table of Test Scores and Demographics for 20 Studentstli_xtab
Update a 'pltdtable' (Plotted Table) Objectupdate.pltdTable
Update a 'texttable' Objectupdate.textTable