Package 'tablesgg'

Title: Presentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using 'ggplot2'
Description: Presentation-quality tables are displayed as plots on an R graphics device. Although there are other packages that format tables for display, this package is unique in combining two features: (a) It is aware of the logical structure of the table being presented, and makes use of that for automatic layout and styling of the table. This avoids the need for most manual adjustments to achieve an attractive result. (b) It displays tables using 'ggplot2' graphics. Therefore a table can be presented anywhere a graph could be, with no more effort. External software such as LaTeX or HTML or their viewers is not required. The package provides a full set of tools to control the style and appearance of tables, including titles, footnotes and reference marks, horizontal and vertical rules, and spacing of rows and columns. Methods are included to display matrices; data frames; tables created by R's ftable(), table(), and xtabs() functions; and tables created by the 'tables' and 'xtable' packages. Methods can be added to display other table-like objects. A vignette is included that illustrates usage and options available in the package.
Authors: Richard Raubertas [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Richard Raubertas <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3)
Version: 0.8-1
Built: 2025-03-09 03:56:41 UTC

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Presentation-Quality Tables, Displayed Using ggplot2


Presentation-quality tables are displayed as plots on an R graphics device. Although there are other packages that format tables for display, this package is unique in combining two features: (a) It is aware of the logical structure of the table being presented, and makes use of that for automatic layout and styling of the table. This avoids the need for most manual adjustments to achieve an attractive result. (b) It displays tables using ggplot2 graphics. Therefore a table can be presented anywhere a graph could be, with no more effort. External software such as LaTeX or HTML or their viewers is not required.

Methods are included to display matrices; data frames; tables created by R's ftable, table, and xtabs functions; and tables created by the tables and xtable packages. Methods can be added to display other table-like objects.

Other package features:

  • A full set of tools is provided to control the appearance of tables, including titles, footnotes and reference marks, horizontal and vertical rules, and spacing of rows and columns. Many properties can be set automatically by specifying styles. Default styles are included, and the user can define custom styles.

  • There are tools for low-level manipulation of the appearance of individual table elements if desired.

  • All sizes and dimensions in displayed tables are specified in physical units (points for font size, millimeters for everything else). Therefore a plotted table has a well-defined physical size, independent of the size of the graphics device on which it is displayed. The user can easily increase or decrease the displayed size by a scale factor, maintaining the relative proportions of table elements.

  • Since the plotted tables are ordinary ggplot objects, the facilities of ggplot2 and its various extension packages are available to modify or manipulate the table. For example, the table can be inserted as an image within another plot.

A vignette is included that illustrates usage and options available in the package.

Extract a Subset of a texttable Object


Extract a subset of a textTable object, creating a new table with fewer and/or rearranged rows and columns.


## S3 method for class 'textTable'
x[i, j, drop=FALSE]



An object of S3 class textTable, representing a 2D table.

i, j

Logical or numeric indexing arguments used as subscripts with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. See DETAILS.


Ignored (always treated as FALSE).


This function extracts, deletes, or rearranges subsets of the rows and columns of a table. It is similar to subsetting an ordinary matrix, but with restrictions required to ensure that the resulting object is still a valid textTable:

1. Indexing is with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table, in which all parts of the table (body, headers, and annotation) are included. See ?textTable for a description of table parts, and ?adim for a description of the augmented grid. The summary method for a textTable shows the dimensions of each part.

2. The first index argument, i, cannot itself be a matrix.

3. Indexing cannot be used to move rows or columns between different parts of the table (e.g. between body and headers, or between headers and annotation).

Helper functions arow and acol can be used to get the augemented row and column numbers spanned by different table parts. See the examples.


An object of S3 class textTable.

See Also

textTable, adim, arow, acol


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab)

# Remove the first column header row ("Flower part"), and reverse the 
# order of the "Sepal" and "Petal" sets of columns:
subttbl <- ttbl[-1, c(1,2,5,6,3,4)]

# Use helper functions 'arow', 'acol' to specify indices based on 
# table structure:
i <- arow(ttbl, "colhead")[1]  # row number of first column header row
j1 <- acol(ttbl, "rowhead")    # column numbers for row header
j2 <- acol(ttbl, "colhead")    # column numbers for column header
subttbl2 <- ttbl[-i, c(j1, j2[c(3,4,1,2)])]
identical(subttbl, subttbl2)

Column Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Table


Return the column numbers associated with a specified table part or element, or with a set of column header values, within the augmented row-column grid of a table.


acol(x, id=NULL, hpath=NULL)



A textTable or a plotted table (pltdTable) object.


Character scalar containing the ID of a single table part, block, entry, or hvrule. (If x is a textTable, only the ID of a table part is allowed.)


Character vector with length between 0 and the number of layers in the column header. The i-th element should be one of the values in the i-th header row, or NA. See DETAILS. Only one of id and hpath should be specified.


See the documentation for adim for more information about the augmented row-column grid of a table.

Only one of arguments id and hpath should be specified. id is searched for first among table parts (the only thing available for a textTable), then blocks, entries, and hvrules, in that order. The search stops at the first match. It is an error if id is not found in any of these.

hpath is short for "header path". It is used to obtain column numbers associated with specified combinations of values of the column header variables. Suppose there are L layers of column headers. If the length of hpath is less than L, NA values are added at the end to reach that length. The function returns the intersection of the column numbers for which the i-th outermost of the header layers equals the i-th element of hpath. An NA in hpath is taken to match all values in the correponding layer of column headers. Thus, if L == 4 and hpath=c("a", NA, "c"), the function will return the column numbers for which the outermost column header has a value of "a" _and_ the third outermost has a value of "c". If no column has the combination of values specified by hpath then the returned vector will have length 0.

Since hpath refers to values of column header variables, it cannot be used to get column numbers associated with table annotation, or with the row header. (Use id instead.)


A numeric vector containing column numbers within the table's augmented row-column grid. The column numbers are those partially or completely occupied by the cells associated with id or hpath. They will be increasing but not necessarily consecutive.

The returned vector may have length 0 if id refers to a table part or block that spans no columns, or if hpath matches no set of column header values.

Note that for a vertical hvrule (vrule), the "column number" is actually a half-integer, bracketed by the table column numbers between which the vrule runs. For example, if the vrule runs between table columns 3 and 4, the returned value will be c(3.5).

See Also

adim to get the dimensions of the augmented row-column grid; arow for the corresponding operation on rows; ids


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title=c("Title 1", "2nd title"), foot="Foot")
plt <- plot(ttbl)

acol(plt, id="title")  # block "title" spans all columns
acol(plt, id="body,4,2")  # single entry
# Remove the columns for "Petal" measurements (a value in column 
# header layer 2):
plot(ttbl[, -acol(ttbl, hpath=c(NA, "Petal"))])
# Remove the "Length" measurements (a value in column header layer 3):
plot(ttbl[, -acol(ttbl, hpath=c(NA, NA, "Length"))])
# Remove the "Length" measurements just for "Petal":
plot(ttbl[, -acol(ttbl, hpath=c(NA, "Petal", "Length"))])

Define a New Block of Cells in a Table


Define a new block (rectangular set of cells) in a table. The location and graphical properties of the block are specified explicitly, rather than being generated automatically from the logical structure of the table and a style.


addBlock(x, arows, acols, id, props=NULL, enabled=FALSE)



A plotted table (pltdTable) object.

arows, acols

Numeric vectors specifying the cells contained in the block, with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. The block includes the cells in row numbers from min(arows) to max(arows), and column numbers from min(acols) to max(acols).


Optional character string giving the ID to be assigned to the new block. It is an error if there is already a block with this ID in x. The default is to generate an ID of the form block*, where * is an integer.


Optional element_block object with graphical properties to assign to the new block. Any graphical properties not specified in props will be taken from blockStyle_pkg_base in styles_pkg.


Logical scalar, whether the new block is to be enabled for display. The default is FALSE.


Normally blocks are defined automatically, based on the logical structure of the table and the style selected by the user. This function allows additional blocks to be defined "manually", explicitly specifying their position and span in terms of row and column numbers.

There are two typical situations in which one would want to define a new block. The first is to highlight a specific set of cells in the table visually, by shading or a border. For that purpose one should specify enabled=TRUE (so the block will be displayed) and perhaps props (for non-default graphical properties).

The second reason to define a new block is to use its ID as a quick way to refer to the entries within it, for example to set their graphical properties using props<-. In that case enabled for the block should be FALSE, since the block itself is not to be displayed.

Row and column numbers are with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. See ?adim for more more information about this grid. The helper functions arow and acol can be used to specify arguments arows and acols in terms of table parts or previously defined blocks.

Graphical properties for blocks defined by this function will not be changed if a new block style is applied to the plotted table. Use one of the props<- functions instead.

There is no way to remove or undefine a block, other than recreating the plotted table object from scratch. However they can be disabled using a props<- function, and then will not be displayed.


A plotted table object like x, with the new block defined.

See Also

arow, acol, adim, element_block


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="The iris data", 
            subtitle="Summary statistics by species")
plt <- addBlock(plt, arows=c(8, 9), acols=c(3, 4), id="new_block", 
                props=element_block(border_color="red", border_size=1.0), 
# Can refer to the new block by its ID:
props(plt, id="new_block") <- element_entry(fontface=3)  # italics

Add a Horizontal or Vertical Rule (Hvrule) to a Table


Add a horizontal or vertical rule (hvrule) to a table. The location, span, and graphical properties of the hvrule are specified explicitly, rather than being generated automatically from the logical structure of the table and a style.


addHvrule(x, direction, arows, acols, id, props=NULL, enabled=TRUE)



A plotted table (pltdTable) object.


Character string specifying whether the rule is to be horizontal (hrule) or vertical (vrule).

arows, acols

Numeric vectors specifying the location and span of the hvrule, with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. For an hrule, arows should be a single value: the half-integer bracketed by the table rows between which the rule runs. For example, an hrule running between rows 3 and 4 should have arows equal to 3.5. acols should be a vector of integers whose range specifies the column numbers spanned by the rule. For a vrule the roles of arows and acols are reversed: arows is a vector of integers whose range specifies the row numbers spanned by the rule, and acols is the half-integer bracketed by the table columns between which it runs.


Character string giving the ID to be assigned to the new hvrule. It is an error if there is already an hvrule with this ID in x. The default is to generate an ID of the form hvrule*, where * is an integer.


Optional element_hvrule object with graphical properties to assign to the new hvrule. Any graphical properties not specified in props will be taken from hvruleStyle_pkg_base in styles_pkg.


Logical scalar, whether the new hvrule is to be enabled for display. The default is TRUE.


Normally hvrules are generated automatically, based on the logical structure of the table and the style selected by the user. This function allows additional hvrules to be added "manually", explicitly specifying their position and span in terms of row and column numbers.

Row and column numbers are with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. See ?adim for more more information about this grid. The helper functions arow and acol can be used to specify arguments arows and acols in terms of table parts or previously defined blocks.

For an hrule, the default for acols is to span all table columns. For a vrule, the default for arows is to span the rows containing the body and column headers, but not the annotation.

Graphical properties for hvrules defined by this function will not be changed if a new hvrule style is applied to the plotted table. Use one of the props<- functions instead.

There is no way to remove an hvrule, other than recreating the plotted table object from scratch. However they can be disabled using a props<- function, and then will not be displayed or take up any space.


A plotted table object like x, with the new hvrule added.

See Also

arow, acol, adim, element_hvrule


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="The iris data")
plt <- addHvrule(plt, direction="vrule", acols=4.5, arows=arow(plt, "body"), 
                 props=element_hvrule(linetype=2, color="red"), enabled=TRUE)
# Can refer to the new hvrule by its ID:
props(plt, id="new_vrule") <- element_hvrule(enabled=FALSE)  # don't display it

Add a Reference Mark to Entries in a Table


Add a reference mark (a symbol placed before or after entry text to indicate cross-references; e.g. for footnotes) to entries in a table.


addRefmark(x, mark, before=character(0), after=character(0), 
    parts=NULL, raise, ...)



A textTable or pltdTable object.


Character string containing the reference mark.

before, after

Character strings containing regular expressions (see ?regex) that will be matched against the _text_ of table entries (using grepl). One or both of before and after may be specified.


Optional character vector listing table parts. If specified, only entries in those parts will be matched against before and after. The default is to use all table parts.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, the reference mark will be displayed as a superscript, using plotmath. The default is TRUE except for asterisk marks, since that character is already raised relative to other characters.


Additional arguments passed to grepl when matching before and after to entry text.


Reference marks are placed at the beginning or end of an entry's text. If raise is TRUE they will be displayed as superscripts. This is implemented by converting the text to make use of R's plotmath facility to create the superscript. A limitation of plotmath is that it ignores newline characters within text. Therefore raised reference marks will not work with multi-line entries, and a warning will be issued.

In addition to using numbers, letters, or asterisk as reference marks, traditional symbols can be specified by their unicode values: dagger ("\u2020"), double dagger ("\u2021"), paragraph symbol ("\u00B6"), section symbol ("\u00A7"), and double vertical bars ("\u2016"). However, unicode symbols may not be available for all OS's or graphics devices.

With this function the user identifies the entries to be marked by searching the entry text itself, via regular expressions before and/or after. For plotted tables (pltdTable objects), an alternative way to add reference marks is to use one of the props<- functions to assign an element_refmark to it. They allow selection of entries using other descriptors.


An object like x. The text of table cells/entries selected by before and after will be modified to include the reference mark, and if raise is TRUE, those cells/entries will be flagged to indicate that they should be treated as plotmath expressions.

See Also

element_refmark, props<-


# Add reference marks to a 'textTable':
ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, foot="sd = standard deviation")
ttbl <- addRefmark(ttbl, mark="a", before="sd =", after="sd$")

# Add reference marks to a 'pltdTable':
plt <- plot(textTable(iris2_tab, foot="sd = standard deviation"))
plt <- addRefmark(plt, mark="*", before="sd =", after="sd$")

# To add a reference mark to just the *first* appearance of "sd", use 
# 'propsa<-' instead:
plt <- plot(textTable(iris2_tab, foot="sd = standard deviation"))
plt <- addRefmark(plt, mark="a", before="sd =")
propsa(plt, arows=arow(plt, hpath=c("setosa", "sd")), 
       acols=acol(plt, "rowhead")[2]) <- element_refmark("a", side="after")

Dimensions of the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Table


Return the dimensions of the augmented row-column grid for a table. Along with rows and columns associated with the body of the table, the augmented grid includes rows for each title, subtitle, and foot line, and rows and columns associated with the column and row headers.





A table, in any of the forms used within the tablesgg package. This includes textTable and pltdTable objects.


It is common to think of the number of rows and columns in a table as referring to the _body_ of the table. However in this package the grid of rows and columns in the body of a table is expanded into an _augmented row-column grid_, by adding a row for each title, subtitle, and foot line; a row for each layer of column headers; a row for each _interior_ row header entry; and a column for each (non-interior) layer of row headers. The augmented grid is numbered from the upper left, so column numbers increase from left to right, and row numbers from top to bottom. Title, subtitle, and foot lines, and interior row header entries span all the columns of the grid.

This function returns the dimensions of the augmented grid.

Disabled entries are included in counting rows and columns.

The function summary gives the dimensions of individual parts within a table.


A two-element numeric vector containing (number of rows, number of columns).

See Also

summary.textTable, summary.pltdTable


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")
plt <- plot(ttbl)

Row Numbers Within the Augmented Row-Column Grid for a Table


Return the row numbers associated with a specified table part or element, or with a set of row header values, within the augmented row-column grid of a table.


arow(x, id=NULL, hpath=NULL)



A textTable or a plotted table (pltdTable) object.


Character scalar containing the ID of a single table part, block, entry, or hvrule. (If x is a textTable, only the ID of a table part is allowed.)


Character vector with length between 0 and the number of layers in the row header. The i-th element should be one of the values in the i-th row header column, or NA. See DETAILS. Only one of id and hpath should be specified.


See the documentation for adim for more information about the augmented row-column grid of a table.

Only one of arguments id and hpath should be specified. id is searched for first among table parts (the only thing available for a textTable), then blocks, entries, and hvrules, in that order. The search stops at the first match. It is an error if id is not found in any of these.

hpath is short for "header path". It is used to obtain row numbers associated with specified combinations of values of the row header variables. Suppose there are L layers of row headers. If the length of hpath is less than L, NA values are added at the end to reach that length. The function returns the intersection of the row numbers for which the i-th outermost of the header layers equals the i-th element of hpath. An NA in hpath is taken to match all values in the correponding layer of row headers. Thus, if L == 4 and hpath=c("a", NA, "c"), the function will return the row numbers for which the outermost row header has a value of "a" _and_ the third outermost has a value of "c". If no row has the combination of values specified by hpath then the returned vector will have length 0.

Since hpath refers to values of row header variables, it cannot be used to get row numbers associated with table annotation, or with the column header. (Use id instead.)


A numeric vector containing row numbers within the table's augmented row-column grid. The row numbers are those partially or completely occupied by the cells associated with id or hpath. They will be increasing but not necessarily consecutive.

The returned vector may have length 0 if id refers to a table part or block that spans no rows, or if hpath matches no set of row header values.

Note that for a horizontal hvrule (hrule), the "row number" is actually a half-integer, bracketed by the table row numbers between which the hrule runs. For example, if the hrule runs between table rows 3 and 4, the returned value will be c(3.5).

See Also

adim to get the dimensions of the augmented row-column grid; acol for the corresponding operation on columns; ids


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title=c("Title 1", "2nd title"), foot="Foot")
plt <- plot(ttbl)

arow(plt, id="title")  # block "title" spans first two rows
arow(plt, id="body,4,2")  # single entry
# Remove the first line of the column header:
plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, id="colhead")[1], ])
# Remove the "versicolor" species (a value in row header layer 1):
plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, hpath=c("versicolor")), ])
# Remove the means for all species (a value in row header layer 2):
plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, hpath=c(NA, "mean")), ])
# Remove the mean just for the versicolor species:
plot(ttbl[-arow(ttbl, hpath=c("versicolor", "mean")), ])

Specify Visual Properties for Table Blocks


Specify a set of graphical properties that can be used to highlight a rectangular block of table cells.


element_block(fill=NULL, fill_alpha=NULL, border_size=NULL, 
    border_colour=NULL, border_color=NULL, enabled=NULL, 


fill, fill_alpha, border_size, border_color

Scalar graphical properties for the table blocks. These will be passed to ggplot2::geom_rect under the names fill, alpha, size, and colour, respectively.


Alias for border_color.


Logical scalar, controlling whether the block is displayed (TRUE) or not (FALSE).




This function is modeled on the element_* functions used in ggplot2 to specify graphical properties in themes. It is primarily used to create the value on the right-hand side of an assignment involving the props<- group of setter functions.

To display a table block means to highlight its rectangular region with shading (as specified by fill, a color, and fill_alpha) and/or a border (with thickness specified by border_size, in mm, and color border_color). Blocks are drawn before entries and hvrules, so the latter are drawn "on top" of blocks and will not be hidden.

Quantitative property border_size may be specified using the ggplot2 function rel(). This function indicates that the value is to be interpreted as a multiplier to be applied to whatever the current value of the property is. For example border_size=rel(1.2) specifies that the thickness of the border around a block is to be increased by 20% from its current value.


An object of S3 classes element_block and element.

See Also

element_entry, element_hvrule; elements for more detail about the available graphical properties; props<-, propsa<-, propsd<-.


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")
props(plt, id="rowhead") <- element_block(fill="lightblue")
props(plt, id="colblock/C/2/1") <- element_block(border_color="red")
      # (Default fill color for blocks is 'gray85')

Specify Visual Properties for Table Entries and their Cells


Specify a set of graphical properties that can be used to display table entries and the cells that contain them.


element_entry(text=NULL, family=NULL, fontface=NULL, colour=NULL, 
    alpha=NULL, size=NULL, hjust=NULL, vjust=NULL, angle=NULL, 
    lineheight=NULL, color=NULL, hpad=NULL, vpad=NULL, fill=NULL, 
    fill_alpha=NULL, border_size=NULL, border_colour=NULL, 
    border_color=NULL, minwidth=NULL, maxwidth=NULL, enabled=NULL, 
    textspec=NULL, inherit.blank=FALSE)



Scalar character string, the text to be displayed for the entries.

family, fontface, color, alpha, size, hjust, vjust, angle, lineheight

Scalar values for the graphical properties that are used to display the text of table entries. Values will be passed to ggplot2::geom_text.

hpad, vpad

Amount of blank space to add on the left and right (hpad) and top and bottom (vpad) of the entry text, in millimeters. This is to keep entry text from being too close to the cell borders.

fill, fill_alpha, border_size, border_color

Scalar graphical properties for the _cells_ that contain table entries. These will be passed to ggplot2::geom_rect under the names fill, alpha, size, and colour, respectively.

colour, border_colour

Aliases for color, border_color.

minwidth, maxwidth

Minimum, maximum width for cell(s) spanned by an entry. Positive values represent absolute sizes in millimeters, and should include any padding. Negative values are interpreted as multiples of the natural width of the entry text, without padding. Use values of -1 for minwidth and Inf for maxwidth to prevent text wrapping. Values closer to 0 encourage wrapping. See ?elements for more information and restrictions on these properties.


Logical scalar, controlling whether the entry is displayed (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This applies to both the entry text and the cells that contain it.


Character string indicating any special features of the text in text. Currently supported values are "plain", "plotmath", and "markdown". "plotmath" indicates that the entry text contains mathematical notation as described in ?plotmath. "markdown" means the text may contain markdown or HTML tags to control its appearance; this requires the ggtext package.




This function is modeled on the element_* functions used in ggplot2 to specify graphical properties in themes. It is primarily used to create the value on the right-hand side of an assignment involving the props<- group of setter functions.

The text content of an entry is perhaps not strictly a graphical property, but it is convenient to have an easy way to modify it. Note that like all other properties, the provided value must be a single value (character string), not a longer vector of values.

Justification of text within a cell is specified by properties hjust and vjust. Their interpretation is with respect to the boundaries of the cell: 0 means justification toward the left/top of the cell, 1 means toward the right/bottom, and 0.5 means centered. This is different from the interpretation in ?ggplot2::geom_text, where the justification is with respect to an (x, y) point. Note that padding (hpad, vpad) is added _after_ justification, so for example hjust=0 will put the text at a distance hpad from the left border of its cell.

Quantitative properties (size, lineheight, hpad, etc) may be specified using the ggplot2 function rel(). This function indicates that the value is to be interpreted as a multiplier to be applied to whatever the current value of the property is. For example lineheight=rel(1.2) specifies that the lineheight property of an entry is to be increased by 20% from its current value.


An object of S3 classes element_entry and element.

See Also

element_hvrule, element_block, element_refmark; elements for more detail about the available graphical properties; props<-, propsa<-, propsd<-.


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data", 
            subtitle="Shown with default graphical properties")

props(plt, id="body") <- element_entry(fontface=3, fill="gray")
props(plt, id="subtitle,1") <- 
      element_entry(text="Entry properties changed by 'props<-'",
                    fill="gray", color="red")

Specify Visual Properties for Table Rules


Specify a set of graphical properties that can be used to display horizontal or vertical rules (hvrules) in a table.


element_hvrule(colour=NULL, alpha=NULL, linetype=NULL, size=NULL, 
    fill=NULL, fill_alpha=NULL, space=NULL, color=NULL, enabled=NULL, 


color, alpha, linetype, size

Scalar values for the graphical properties that are used to display the horizontal or vertical line of an hvrule. Values will be passed to ggplot2::geom_segment.

fill, fill_alpha, space

Scalar values for the graphical properties of the (long, thin) rectangle that encloses an hvrule. space is the height (for a horizontal rule) or width (for a vertical rule) of the rectangle, in millimeters. fill and fill_alpha are passed to ggplot2::geom_rect as arguments fill and alpha respectively.


Alias for color.


Logical scalar, controlling whether the hvrule is displayed (TRUE) or not (FALSE). This applies to both the actual rule (line) and the rectangle containing it.




This function is modeled on the element_* functions used in ggplot2 to specify graphical properties in themes. It is primarily used to create the value on the right-hand side of an assignment involving the props<- group of setter functions.

A horizontal or vertical rule (hvrule) is actually drawn as long, narrow rectangle, with a line centered inside it. The narrowness of the rectangle, and thus how much space the hvrule adds to the table, is controlled by space. The thickness of the line inside the rectangle is controlled by size. Setting linetype to 0 means no line will be drawn, but the enclosing rectangle will be. In that way hvrules can be used to insert extra blank space between rows or columns of a table.

Quantitative properties size and space may be specified using the ggplot2 function rel(). This function indicates that the value is to be interpreted as a multiplier to be applied to whatever the current value of the property is. For example space=rel(1.2) specifies that the space property of an entry is to be increased by 20% from its current value.


An object of S3 classes element_hvrule and element.

See Also

element_entry, element_block; elements for more detail about the available graphical properties; props<-, propsa<-, propsd<-.


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")

# Enable the vertical rule between rowhead and body, and set its
# properties:
props(plt, id="rowhead_right") <- element_hvrule(enabled=TRUE, linetype=1, 
                                                 color="black", space=10)
# Change the properties of all enabled hvrules:
propsd(plt, subset=(enabled)) <- element_hvrule(color="red")

Specify a Reference Mark that can be Added to Table Entries


Specify a reference mark (a symbol placed before or after entry text to indicate cross-references; e.g. for footnotes) that can be added to entries in a table.


element_refmark(mark=NULL, side=NULL, raise, ..., inherit.blank=FALSE)



Character string containing the character(s) to be used as the reference mark.


Character string indicating where the reference mark is to be placed: "before" or "after" the entry text.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, the reference mark will be displayed as a superscript, using plotmath. The default is TRUE except for asterisk marks, since that character is already raised relative to other characters.


Additional arguments passed to element_entry. These can be used to set other graphical properties of table entries at the same time as setting the reference mark. However it is an error to set text or textspec to anything other than NULL, since they are used internally by this function.




This function is modeled on the element_* functions used in ggplot2 to specify graphical properties in themes. It is primarily used to create the value on the right-hand side of an assignment involving the props<- group of setter functions.


An object of S3 classes element_refmark and element. If any arguments are specified in ..., they are passed to element_entry and the resulting object is attached as attribute extra.

See Also

addRefmark for a different way to add reference marks, and for more information about reference marks in general. element_entry, props<-, propsa<-, propsd<-.


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data", 
            foot="sd = standard deviation")
props(plt, id="foot") <- element_refmark(mark="*", side="before")
# Add a reference mark to just the first appearance of 'sd' in the row header:
propsa(plt, arows=arow(plt, hpath=c("setosa", "sd")), acols=2) <- 
       element_refmark(mark="*", side="after")

Extract Table Elements from a Plotted Table


Extract table elements (entries, blocks, or hvrules) from a plotted table, as a simple data frame with one row per element.


elements(x, type=c("entry", "block", "hvrule"), enabledOnly=TRUE)



A pltdTable object, containing a plotted table.


Character scalar indicating the type of elements to extract: one of "entry", "block", or "hvrule".


Logical scalar. If TRUE, only elements that are currently enabled in x are returned.


A plotted table (pltdTable object) has three types of elements: entries, blocks, and hvrules. Entries are the text strings (and associated properties) displayed in table cells. Blocks are rectangular sets of contiguous table cells. And hvrules are spacers, with or without a visible line (or "rule"), used to separate or group table rows and columns. See the package vignette for more information.

This function allows one to inspect these elements. The purpose is primarily informational: an easy way to view all the elements of a table, their descriptors (e.g., as used by styles and the propsd<- function), and the graphical properties they have been assigned. It is not intended as a way to edit or modify elements. For that, see update methods for textTable and pltdTable objects, the props<- set of functions, and section 4 of the package vignette.

The remainder of this section describes the columns in the returned data frame, for each element type.

Columns in elements(x, type="entry")

Entry descriptors:


Character string that uniquely identifies the entry. The format is <part>,<partrow>,<partcol> for table parts that are matrices (rowhead, rowheadLabels, colhead, and body), and <part>,<partrow> for table parts that are vectors (annotation parts title, subtitle, and foot).


Character string identifying the part of the table to which the entry belongs: one of "body", "rowhead", "colhead", "rowheadLabels", "title", "subtitle", or "foot".


Character string with further information about the nature of of the entry within its part of the table. May be NA.

partrow, partcol

Row number, column number of the entry within its table part. For parts that are vectors rather than matrices, partrow will be the element number within the vector, and partcol will be NA. If an entry spans more than one row or column, the minimum row/column number of the spanned cells is used.


How far (in number of rows or columns) from the body of the table the entry is. By definition this is 0 for entries in the body of the table. It is 1 for row/column headers immediately adjacent to the body, 2 for headers one row/column further out, and so on. The layer numbers for row header labels match those for the corresponding columns of row headers. The layers for titles, subtitles, and foot lines are the number of _rows_ from the body of the table. When a table is created with rowheadInside set to TRUE, the headlayer value for the outermost layer of row headers (and for its label, if any) is changed to 0, since the headers become interleaved with the table body.


Numbering of entries within a given part and headlayer. For row and column headers this is based their hierarchical structure (see the descriptors for blocks, below). For other table parts it is just an integer from 1 to the number of entries in that layer of that part.

multirow, multicolumn

Logicals indicating whether the entry spans multiple rows or columns of the table.


Character string containing the formatted content of the entry, for display. It may use plotmath notation for mathematical notation, or markdown/HTML tags; see textspec below.


Character string identifying the type of value the entry represents (e.g., "numeric"). May be NA. The default for table annotation (title, subtitle, foot) and rowheadLabels is "character".


Character string indicating any special features of the text in text. Currently supported values are "plain", "plotmath", and "markdown". "plotmath" indicates that the entry text contains mathematical notation as described in ?plotmath. "markdown" means the text may contain markdown or HTML tags to control its appearance; this requires the ggtext package.


Logical indicating whether the entry is to be displayed when the table is plotted. If FALSE the entry is ignored when laying out the table or determining its size.

arow1, arow2, acol1, acol2

Range of row and column numbers occupied by an entry, with respect to the augmented row-column grid for the table. arow1 < arow2 and/or acol1 < acol2 means the entry spans multiple rows and/or columns.

Graphical properties for entries. Values for these are assigned by a style, either a default style (see ?tablesggOpt) or user-specified.


Numeric horizontal justification for entry text (0=left, 0.5=center, 1=right).


Numeric vertical justification for entry text (0=top, 0.5=center, 1=bottom).


Character string; color for entry text.


Numeric value in [0, 1] specifying transparency of entry text (0=transparent, 1=opaque).


Font size for entry text, in points (72.27 points = 1 inch, 2.845 points = 1 mm).


Character string, the font to use for entry text. "serif", "sans", and "mono" will work for all graphics devices. Other fonts may or may not be available on a particular device.


Numeric indicating 1=plain, 2=bold, 3=italic, 4=bold and italic.


Numeric multiplier that adjusts interline spacing for multi-line entry text. 1.0 gives the default spacing.


Rotation angle for entry text, in degrees counter-clockwise from horizontal.

hpad, vpad

Padding added around the sides of entry text to keep it from touching cell borders, in millimeters. hpad is added on both the left and right sides of the text, and vpad is added on both the top and bottom.


Character string; background color for the cell(s) containing the entry. NA means no background color.


Numeric value in [0, 1] specifying transparency of the cell background color (0=transparent, 1=opaque).


Thickness of the border to draw around the cell(s) containing the entry text, in millimeters.


Character string; color for the border around entry text. NA means no border.

minwidth, maxwidth

Minimum and maximum width for the cell(s) spanned by the entry. (Here width is with respect to the text itself; i.e., the direction of reading for English text, and therefore measured vertically if the text is rotated by 90 or 270 degrees.) They may be expressed in two forms. Positive values are interpreted as absolute widths in millimeters, and should include the amount of padding specified by hpad (when angle is 0 or 180 degrees) or vpad (when angle is 90 or 270 degrees). Negative values are interpreted as multiples of the natural width of the text itself, without including padding. Thus setting minwidth for an entry to -1 will guarantee that the width of the spanned cell(s) will be at least enough to contain the text without wrapping.

  • An NA value for minwidth means there is no constraint on minimum width, and is equivalent to 0. An Inf value for maxwidth means there is no constraint on maximum width. (However in the absence of constraints, the internal algorithm favors widths as close as possible to the natural width of the entry text, without wrapping.)

  • An NA value for maxwidth means the maximum width will be determined passively from the maxwidth values of other entries in the same table column(s) (if angle is 0 or 180) or row(s) (if angle is 90 or 270). (It will never be less than minwidth.) This may be useful for table titles and footnotes, where long text should be wrapped to fit widths implied by the other table entries.

  • Setting maxwidth to NA or to a finite value > -1 and < Inf means the spanned cell(s) may not be wide enough to hold the text without wrapping it into multiple lines. Therefore option tablesggOpt("allowWrap") must be TRUE, and a warning will be raised and maxwidth will be ignored if not.

  • The general effect of setting minwidth to a non-zero value is to reduce or prevent text wrapping, while the general effect of setting maxwidth to NA or a finite value is to encourage wrapping. Settings for one entry may affect the width and wrapping of other entries, because column widths and row heights for the table as a whole must satisfy the constraints for all their entries.

  • Text representing plotmath expressions cannot be wrapped, so maxwidth should be Inf or <= -1 for such entries.

Columns in elements(x, type="block")

Block descriptors:


Character string that uniquely identifies the block. The format is just <type> for blocks types that are unique. For blocks associated with row or column headers, or with row groups formed by the plot option rowgroupSize, ID's begin with <type>/<subtype>/<headlayer>/<level_in_layer>. See Appendix B of the package vignette for details about the definitions and ID's of these blocks.


Character string that specifies the nature or structural role of the block. One of


The whole table (all cells).

"title", "subtitle", "colhead", "rowhead", "rowheadLabels", "body", "foot"

The standard table parts. (If there are interior row header entries, "rowhead" and "body" are omitted because the interleaving of headers and body means neither are valid blocks.)


The union of the title and subtitle parts.


If we exclude the title/subtitle and foot annotations, a table has four quadrants: the body at the lower right, the row headers at the lower left, the column headers at the upper right, and a stub at the upper left. That is, the stub consists of the cells above the row headers and to the left of the column headers. (If there are row header labels–block "rowheadLabels"–they will be in the bottom row of the stub.)

"colhead_and_stub", "rowhead_and_stub"

The unions of "stub" with "colhead" and "rowhead", respectively.

"colhead_and_body", "rowhead_and_body"

The unions of "body" with "colhead" and "rowhead", respectively.

"rowblock", "colblock"

Collections of blocks associated with row and column headers, reflecting their hierarchical structure. "rowblock" is also the type for blocks representing row groups formed by plot option rowgroupSize. See Appendix B of the package vignette for details.


Character string refining block type. For types "rowblock" and "colblock", subtypes are "A", "B", "C", and (for "rowblock" only) "G". See Appendix B of the package vignette for their meaning. For other block types the subtype is set to missing (NA).


For "rowblock" and "colblock" blocks, the header layer number with which the block is associated. (Layer numbers increase from innermost to outermost layer.) For other block types, headlayer is NA.


For "rowblock" and "colblock" blocks, the level number (within the header layer) with which the block is associated. Levels are numbered from 1 to the maximum number of levels in that layer. For other block types, level_in_layer is NA.


For "rowblock" blocks of subtype "G" (representing sets of rows grouped according to rowgroupSize), the group number within a header layer and level. NA for other block types/subtypes.


Logical, set to TRUE if there were _enabled_ table entries in x that intersect the block. This is set at the time the plotted table (pltdTable object) is created. It is not updated if entries are later enabled/disabled using props<-, for example.

nr, nc

The number of rows and columns, respectively, that the block spans. May be 0 for empty blocks.

arow1, arow2, acol1, acol2

First and last row and column numbers spanned by the block, with respect to the augmented row-column grid for the table. Empty blocks, with no rows or no columns (nr or nc equal to 0), will have the corresponding arow* or acol* set to NA.


Logical indicating whether the block is to be displayed when the table is plotted. This applies only to highlighting the rectangular region occupied by the block using a fill color or border. It has no effect on display of entries or hvrules contained within the block.

Graphical properties for blocks. Values for these are assigned by a style, either a default style (see ?tablesggOpt) or user-specified.


Character string; color used to fill the rectangular region contained in the block. NA means the region is not colored. (Blocks are drawn before table entries or hvrules, so the block fill color will not hide those elements even if it is opaque.)


Numeric value in [0, 1] specifying transparency of the block fill color (0=transparent, 1=opaque).


Thickness of the border to draw around the block, in millimeters.


Character string; color for the border around the block. NA means no border.

Columns in elements(x, type="hvrules")

hvrule descriptors:


Character string that uniquely identifies the hvrule. The format is <block>_<side>.


Character string, either "hrule" for a horizontal rule or "vrule" for a vertical rule.


The ID of the block along the side of which the hvrule runs.


Which side of the block the hvrule runs along, "top", "bottom", "left", or "right".


Character string containing the IDs of blocks that are adjacent to block on the same side as the hvrule. (I.e., blocks that are separated from block by the hvrule.) Block IDs within the string are separated by semicolons. If there are no adjacent blocks the string will be empty ("").

arow1, arow2, acol1, acol2

Location of the hvrule with respect to the augmented row-column grid of the table. An hrule is inserted between table rows, and therefore arow1 and arow2 are the same and equal to a half-integer. For example, an hrule inserted between rows 3 and 4 has arow1 = arow2 = 3.5. acol1 and acol2 for the hrule are integers indicating the range of columns that it spans. Analogously, a vrule is inserted between table columns, so acol1 and acol2 are identical and equal to a half-integer, while arow1 and arow2 are integers that indicate the range of rows spanned by the vrule.


Logical indicating whether the hvrule is to be displayed when the table is plotted. If FALSE the hvrule is ignored when laying out the table or determining its size.

Graphical properties for hvrules. Values for these are assigned by a style, either a default style (see ?tablesggOpt) or user-specified.


Integer indicating the type of line to display. 1 = solid line; 2 = dashed; 3 = dotted. (See the documentation of lty in ?par for the full set of choices.) A line type of 0 means no line will be drawn, so the hvrule just inserts empty space between table rows or columns.


Thickness of the line, in millimeters.


Character string; the color of the line.


Numeric value in [0, 1] specifying transparency of the line color (0=transparent, 1=opaque).


The width (for a vertical rule) or height (for a horizontal rule) of the rectangle inserted between columns or rows by the hvrule. (A line, if any, is drawn within this rectangle.) This is the amount of space the rule adds to the width or height of the table, in millimeters.


Character string; color used to fill the rectangle containing the hvrule. NA means the region is not colored.


Numeric value in [0, 1] specifying transparency of the fill color (0=transparent, 1=opaque).


A data frame with one row per element. Columns include element descriptors and graphical properties assigned to each element. The row names of the data frame will be the element ID's.

See Also

tablesggOpt, styleObj, ids


plt <- plot(iris2_tab)
str(elements(plt, type="entry"))
str(elements(plt, type="block"))  # 0 rows, none are enabled for display
str(elements(plt, type="block", enabledOnly=FALSE))
str(elements(plt, type="hvrule"))

Get the Identifier Strings for Parts or Elements of a Table


Get the unique identifier strings for elements of a plotted table, or for parts of a textTable.


ids(x, type, enabledOnly=TRUE)



A textTable or a plotted table (pltdTable) object.


Character scalar indicating the type of elements to get ID's for. May be "entry", "block", or "hvrule" for a plotted table, or "part" for a textTable. Optional for a textTable.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, ID's are returned only for elements that are currently enabled in x. (Ignored for a textTable.)


A plotted table (pltdTable object) has three types of elements: entries, blocks, and hvrules. Entries are the text strings (and associated properties) displayed in table cells. Blocks are rectangular sets of contiguous table cells. And hvrules are spacers, with or without a visible line (or "rule"), used to separate or group table rows and columns.

Each element has an ID string, unique within an element type, and this function returns a vector of those strings.

A textTable has parts ("title", "subtitle", "rowhead", etc.), and this function just returns the vector of the part ID's.


A character vector of identifiers.

See Also

elements, which returns a data frame with full information about each element of a plotted table.


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab)
  # Just the names of the standard table parts:
  ptbl <- plot(ttbl)
  # ID's of all the blocks defined for the table:
  ids(ptbl, type="block", enabledOnly=FALSE)
  # ID's of the blocks that are enabled for display (by default, none):
  ids(ptbl, type="block", enabledOnly=TRUE)

A Reshaped Version of Anderson's Iris Data


This is the same as R's built-in iris data set, but reshaped into “long” format. It contains four measurements for 50 flowers from each of three species of iris.




A data frame with 600 observations on the following 5 variables.


a numeric vector, numbering the flowers from 1 to 150


a factor with levels setosa versicolor virginica


a factor with levels Sepal Petal


a factor with levels Length Width


a numeric vector, the measured value, in centimeters


  • Fisher, R. A. (1936) The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7, Part II, 179–188.

  • The data were collected by Anderson, Edgar (1935). The irises of the Gaspe Peninsula, Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59, 2–5.



Table of Summary Statistics for Anderson's Iris Data


A table of means and standard deviations of the four measurements per iris plant, by species.




A tabular object as produced by version 0.9.6 of the tables package by Duncan Murdoch (⁠⁠). The table was produced with the following code, starting from the iris2 data frame:

iris2_tab <- tables::tabular(
                     Species*Heading()*value*Format(digits=2)*(mean + sd) ~ 
                     Heading("Flower part")*flower_part*Heading()*direction, 


  • Fisher, R. A. (1936) The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7, Part II, 179–188.

  • The data were collected by Anderson, Edgar (1935). The irises of the Gaspe Peninsula, Bulletin of the American Iris Society, 59, 2–5.

See Also



if (requireNamespace("tables", quietly=TRUE)) {
  print(iris2_tab)  # uses print method for 'tabular' objects

Table of Data from Motor Trend Magazine


This is a table of selected observations and variables from the data frame mtcars from package datasets.




An xtableList object as produced by version 1.8-4 of the xtable package (⁠⁠). The table was produced with the following code:

data("mtcars", package="datasets")
mtcars <- mtcars[, 1:6]
mtcarsList <- split(mtcars, f = mtcars$cyl)
### Reduce the size of the list elements
mtcarsList[[1]] <- mtcarsList[[1]][1,]
mtcarsList[[2]] <- mtcarsList[[2]][1:2,]
mtcarsList[[3]] <- mtcarsList[[3]][1:3,]
attr(mtcarsList, "subheadings") <- paste0("Number of cylinders = ",
attr(mtcarsList, "message") <- c("Line 1 of Message", "Line 2 of Message")
mtcars_xtab <- xtable::xtableList(mtcarsList, digits = c(0,2,0,0,0,1,2),
                                caption = "Caption to List")


  • Henderson and Velleman (1981), Building multiple regression models interactively. Biometrics, 37, 391-411.

See Also



ttbl <- textTable(mtcars_xtab)
  plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)

A Plot Method for tabular Objects


A plot method for tabular objects, which represent a 2D data summary table. The table is displayed using ggplot2 graphics.


## S3 method for class 'tabular'
plot(x, ...)



An object of class tabular, representing a 2D data summary table, as produced by the tables package by Duncan Murdoch.


Additional arguments passed to format.tabular or plot.textTable. See the documentation for those functions.


This function is a simple wrapper that first converts x to a textTable object, and then plots that object.


An object of S3 class pltdTable, inheriting from ggplot. See the documentation for plot.textTable for more information.

See Also

plot.textTable, format.tabular, textTable.tabular

A Plot Method for texttable Objects


A plot method for textTable objects, displaying tables using ggplot2 graphics.


## S3 method for class 'textTable'
plot(x, title=NULL, subtitle=NULL, foot=NULL, rowheadLabels=NULL, 
    blockStyle=tablesggOpt("blockStyle"), scale=1.0, mergeRuns=c(TRUE, 
    TRUE), rowheadInside=FALSE, rowgroupSize=0, 
    plot.margin=tablesggOpt("plot.margin"), sizeAdjust=c(1.0, 1.0), ...)



A textTable object, containing a table.

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors of annotation for the table. NULL means to leave the current annotation unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.


Optional character vector or 1-row matrix specifying labels for the row header columns of the table. NULL means to leave the current value unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.

entryStyle, hvruleStyle, blockStyle

Optional styleObj objects. These describe the graphical properties (color, size, font, line type, etc) to be used for displaying table entries, horizontal/vertical rules, or blocks, respectively. See ?styleObj for details. If omitted, default styles from tablesggOpt() will be used.


Numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of the table, with all elements scaled proportionately. If it has length two, the first element applies to table entries and blocks, and the second to hvrules.


Two-element logical vector, the first element applying to row headers, the second to column headers. If TRUE (the default) then header cells that contain runs of the same value will be merged into a single entry that spans multiple rows or columns.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, the outermost layer of row headers is moved inside the table by using its levels to divide the table into groups of rows, with each group labeled by their level.


Numeric scalar. If greater than 0, consecutive rows of the table body will be grouped into sets of this size, and extra space may be inserted between groups to improve readability. See DETAILS.


Numeric vector of length 4, giving the amount of padding to be added outside the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the table, in millimeters. The default is taken from tablesggOpt().


Two-element numeric vector containing multipliers to adjust the calculated absolute size of table text. The first element is applied to the horizontal dimension and the second to the vertical dimension. (It should not be necessary to change this.)


Other arguments, ignored with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the plot generic.)


textTable objects are the fundamental structure for representing tables in the tablesgg package. This function creates a publication-quality plot of such a table that can be displayed on any of R's graphics devices. Plotting is based on the ggplot2 graphics system, and the resulting plot object can be saved or manipulated in the usual ggplot way.

A feature of the plotted table produced by this function is that it has a well-defined physical size, in millimeters, given by the attribute size_mm. This natural size is determined by the graphical properties specified with arguments entryStyle and hvruleStyle, and can be rescaled up or down with the scale argument. There is a special print (display) method for pltdTable objects that ensures that the table is displayed at the correct size, independent of the size of the graphics device on which it is drawn.

The plotted table can be modified by using the props<- set of functions to update graphical properties of selected table entries, hvrules, or blocks. This includes disabling them (so that they are excluded from the plot), or re-enabling disabled elements. For broader changes there is an update method for pltdTable objects to change styles or plot scaling. See update.pltdTable for more information.


An object of S3 class pltdTable, inheriting from ggplot.

The object has attributes plot.margin and sizeAdjust (equal to the arguments), and size_mm (the width and height of the plot, in millimeters). size_mm is calculated after applying scale and sizeAdjust, and includes both the table and any margins specified by plot.margin.

The object also has attributes colBoundaries and rowBoundaries giving the coordinates of the boundaries between columns and between rows, again in millimeters, and after applying scale and sizeAdjust.

The object also has attribute prTable. This a "plot-ready" version of the table, after applying the arguments provided to this function to x, but before processing by ggplot. It is included to allow convenient updating of the display properties of the table via props<- functions.

See Also

textTable, styleObj, tablesggOpt, styles_pkg, print.pltdTable, props<-, update.pltdTable


# Start with a 'textTable':
ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab)
# Default display:
# Add annotation:
plot(ttbl, title="The iris data", subtitle="Summary statistics by species", 
     foot="sd = standard deviation")
# Smaller version:
plot(ttbl, title="The iris data", subtitle="Summary statistics by species", 
     foot="sd = standard deviation", scale=0.8)
# Use a more "spread out" style for table entries:
plot(ttbl, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_2)
# Internal row header labels:
plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)
# Show effect of 'plot.margin' by putting a box around the table:
# -- default
plt <- plot(ttbl) + 
       ggplot2::theme(plot.background=ggplot2::element_rect(color="blue", size=1))
# -- wider margin
plt <- plot(ttbl, plot.margin=c(15, 15, 15, 15)) + 
       ggplot2::theme(plot.background=ggplot2::element_rect(color="blue", size=1))

# Data frame listing with rows in groups of 5:
plot(textTable(head(iris2, 15)), rowgroupSize=5)

Width and Height of a pltdtable Object


Width and height of a pltdTable object.


pltdSize(x, units=c("mm", "inches", "cm"))



An object of class pltdTable, the result of plotting a textTable object.


String specifying the units in which size is to be returned. May be abbreviated.


This function returns the size, after any scaling, of a plotted table, in physical units. The default units are millimeters to be consistent with other dimensions used in plotting tables. Inches may be useful because that is what R's graphics device functions use.

The size of a plot can depend slightly on the graphics device used to create or render it. The device name used internally to create the plot is included as an attribute of the returned value.


Two-element numeric vector containing the (width, height) of the plot. It has attributes units and device.

See Also



plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")
pltdSize(plt)  # width, height in millimeters

# Open a graphics device just the right size to hold the table:
sz <- pltdSize(plt, units="in")[1], height=sz[2], noRStudioGD=TRUE)

Print (Draw) a pltdtable Object


Print method for pltdTable objects, to display the table on the currently active graphics device. It draws the table at its natural size, as determined by the font size and dimensions specified by the styles used to create the table, and after applying any scale factors.


## S3 method for class 'pltdTable'
print(x, scale=NULL, newpage=TRUE, position=c(0.5, 0.5), 
    vpx=grid::unit(0.5, "npc"), vpy=grid::unit(0.5, "npc"), 
    just="center", ...)



A pltdTable object, representing a table.


Optional numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of the table, relative to the natural size implied by its styles. The default is to keep the current scaling in x.


Whether to draw the table on the current page of the graphics device, or on a new blank page.


Two-element numeric or character vector specifying the horizontal and vertical position of the table on the page. A value of 0 means left/bottom justification, 1 means right/top justification, and intermediate values shift the table linearly between those limits. If a character vector, valid values are "left", "center", "right" for horizontal position, and "bottom", "center", "top" for vertical position. The default is to center the table on the page.

vpx, vpy, just

Alternatives to position to specify the position of the table on the page. These are passed to grid::viewport. (vpx is passed as argument x, and vpy as argument y.) Ignored with a warning if position is specified.


Optional additional arguments passed to grid::viewport.


The purpose of a special print method for pltdTable objects is to set a particular viewport size, so that the table is displayed at its natural size, adjusted for scale. Once the viewport is set, the table is drawn using the usual ggplot print method.

Note that scaling of table size is not cumulative. If x has already been scaled (say, by a factor of 0.8), and argument scale is set to 0.9, then the table will be displayed at 0.9 times its natural size, not 0.9*0.8 = 0.72.

The default is that the table is drawn centered in the current graphics viewport (usually the whole graphics device surface). This can be changed using either the position or the just, vpx and vpy arguments. grid::viewport uses the latter four numbers to specify position; see its documentation for details. The position argument simplifies this to use just two numbers, each in [0, 1]. It assumes one rarely wants to have parts of the table outside the boundary of the page, so 0 corresponds to putting the table snug against the left or bottom edge, 1 corresponds to putting it against the right or top edge, and intermediate values simply linearly interpolate between those limits.


x, invisibly.

See Also

plot.textTable, grid::viewport, ggplot2::print.ggplot


# Start with different ways of arranging the Titanic data:
data(Titanic, package="datasets")
ftbl1 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars=c("Class", "Sex"), col.vars="Survived")
ftbl2 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars=c("Age", "Sex", "Survived"), 
ftbl3 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars=c("Sex", "Class"), 
                col.vars=c("Age", "Survived"))
plt1 <- plot(textTable(ftbl1))
plt2 <- plot(textTable(ftbl2))
plt3 <- plot(textTable(ftbl3))
plt4 <- plot(textTable(ftbl3), rowheadInside=TRUE)

# Center plots in the four quadrants of the page:
print(plt1, vpx=0.25, vpy=0.75)
print(plt2, vpx=0.75, vpy=0.75, newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, vpx=0.25, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)
print(plt4, vpx=0.75, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)

# Single plot at different sizes, pushed to corners of the page:
print(plt2, scale=0.8, position=c("left", "top"))
print(plt2, scale=1.2, position=c("right", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)

Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements


Update the graphical properties for selected table entries, hvrules, or blocks in a plotted table.


props(x, id=NULL, regex=NULL, setEnabled=TRUE, mustMatch=TRUE, 
    ...) <- value



A pltdTable object containing a plotted table.


Optional character vector of the ID's of the elements (or of table parts containing the elements) to be modified.


Optional character string containing a regular expression. This will be used to find table entries whose text matches the regular expression. (Only valid when value is an element_entry or element_refmark object.)


Logical scalar. If TRUE then any element whose properties are updated by this function will have its enabled value set to TRUE (and thus will be displayed in a plot). enabled will not be changed for elements that are not updated. If setEnabled is FALSE, enabled is not changed for any elements.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, any strings in argument id that do not match an element or part ID in x will be treated as an error.


Additional arguments passed to grepl when regex is used to select table entries.


An element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, or element_block object that contains the new values for graphical properties. See DETAILS.


There are three similar functions that can be used to modify the graphical properties of table elements: props<-, propsa<-, and propsd<-. They differ only in how one specifies which elements are to be modified. props<- uses element or block ID's, or searches the text content of entries. propsa<- uses explicit row and column numbers within the augmented row-column grid. propsd<- uses the values of element descriptors (as described in ?elements).

The type of elements that are updated is determined by value: if value is an element_entry or element_refmark object then entries are updated; if it is an element_hvrule object then hvrules are; if it is an element_block object then blocks are. See the documentation of those functions for the available properties. As an example, ⁠element_entry(color="red", fontface=3, hpad=rel(0.8))⁠ specifies that all the updated entries will be displayed in red italics, and padding on their left and right will be reduced to 80% of the current amount. Any graphical properties not mentioned in the call that creates the element_* object are left unchanged.

There are two special properties: enabled and textspec (the latter only for entries). enabled is a logical scalar. If enabled is set to FALSE the selected elements will not be displayed, and disabled entries/hvrules will not be allocated any space in the plotted table. textspec is a character string, one of "plain", "plotmath", or "markdown". If "plotmath", entry text will be treated as an expression that allows display of mathematical symbols and notation, including subscripts and superscripts (see ?plotmath). If "markdown", entry text may contain markdown or HTML tags that affect the appearance of the displayed text. (This requires the ggtext package, and only a subset of HTML tags is supported. See the ggtext package documentation for more information.)

element_refmark is used to add a reference mark to the selected entries. (A reference mark is a symbol placed before or after entry text to indicate cross-references; e.g. for footnotes.) It may also update any of the graphical properties accepted by element_entry, except textspec and text.

Arguments id and regex indicate which elements are to be updated. When value indicates that table entries are to be modified, id may specify the ID's of individual entries or the ID's of table parts or blocks. In the latter case, all entries completely or partially contained in the parts or blocks are selected. Thus, for example, specifying id="table" will update every entry in the table, while id="body" will update only entries in the table body. Argument regex is only valid for modifying table entries; grepl is used to identify the entries whose text matches the regex pattern. If both id and regex are specified, then only entries selected by both are modified.

When value indicates that hvrules are to be modified, id should contain the ID's of individual hvrules and/or table blocks. In the latter case, any hvrule associated with a listed block (that is, the hvrule was defined as running along one of the sides of the block) will be updated.

When value indicates that blocks are to be modified, id should contain the ID's of individual table blocks.

See ?elements for the format of element ID strings.

This function overrides graphical properties in x that may have been set by a style. Therefore the value of style_row is set to NA for any elements whose properties are updated by this function.


An object like x, with updated graphical properties for the selected elements.

See Also

element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, element_block, ids, propsa<-, propsd<-


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="The iris data", 
                  subtitle=c("Summary statistics by species", 
                             "A second subtitle line"), 
                  foot="sd = standard deviation")
plt <- plot(ttbl)
# Change properties of elements:
props(plt, id="body") <- element_entry(fontface=3, fill="gray85")
# This may include changing text:
props(plt, id="subtitle,2") <- element_entry(text="Properties changed by 'props<-'", 
# Use property 'enabled' to control whether an element is displayed:
props(plt, id="rowhead_and_body_bottom") <- element_hvrule(enabled=FALSE)

# Add reference marks to entries with abbreviation "sd":
plt <- plot(ttbl)
props(plt, regex="^sd$") <- element_refmark(mark="*", side="after")
props(plt, regex="^sd =") <- element_refmark(mark="*", side="before")
# If both 'id' and 'regex' are specified only the intersection is modified:
plt <- plot(ttbl)
props(plt, regex="^sd$", id="rowblock/B/2/1") <- 
  element_refmark(mark="*", side="after")
props(plt, regex="^sd =") <- element_refmark(mark="*", side="before")

Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements


Update the graphical properties of table elements in selected rows and columns of a plotted table.


propsa(x, arows=NULL, acols=NULL, setEnabled=TRUE) <- value



A pltdTable object containing a plotted table.

arows, acols

Numeric vectors of row and column numbers in the table's augmented row-column grid. The default value of NULL means all rows or columns. Use half-integer values to refer to the locations of horizontal or vertical rules running between rows or columns.


Logical scalar. If TRUE then any element whose properties are updated by this function will have its enabled value set to TRUE (and thus will be displayed in a plot). enabled will not be changed for elements that are not updated. If setEnabled is FALSE, enabled is not changed for any elements.


An element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, or element_block object that contains the new values for graphical properties.


There are three similar functions that can be used to modify the graphical properties of table elements: props<-, propsa<-, and propsd<-. They differ only in how one specifies which elements are to be modified. props<- uses element or block ID, or searches the text content of entries. propsa<- uses explicit row and column numbers within the augmented row-column grid. propsd<- uses the values of element descriptors (as described in ?elements).

The type of elements that are updated is determined by value: if value is an element_entry or element_refmark object then entries are updated; if it is an element_hvrule object then hvrules are; if it is an element_block object then blocks are. See the documentation for props<- for discussion of their use.

For this function the selected elements are those which are (a) completely contained within the rows listed in arows and the columns listed in acols; and (b) of a type (entry, block, or hvrule) corresponding to the class of value. For (a), arows and acols are treated as _sets_ of row/column numbers, not _ranges_. For example, a horizontal rule running between rows 3 and 4 will not be selected by arows=c(3, 4); the value 3.5 must be included in arows.

The helper functions arow and acol provide a partial bridge between this function and props<-. They return row and column numbers associated with particular element IDs, or with specified values of the row and column headers. For example, ⁠propsa(plt, arows=arow(plt, id="body"), acols=acol(plt, id="body"))⁠ is equivalent to ⁠props(plt, id="body")⁠. See the examples below for cases where the combination of propsa<- and arow/acol is more convenient than props<- alone.

This function overrides graphical properties in x that may have been set by a style. Therefore the value of style_row is set to NA for any elements whose properties are updated by this function.


An object like x, with updated graphical properties for the selected elements.

See Also

element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, element_block, arow, acol, props<-, propsd<-


plt <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")

plt2 <- plt
# Change the title to italics:
propsa(plt2, arows=1) <- element_entry(fontface=3)
# Change the vertical rule between row header and body from empty to 
# a solid line:
propsa(plt2, acols=2.5) <- element_hvrule(linetype=1, color="black", 
# Put all the mean values in bold face:
propsa(plt2, arows=arow(plt2, hpath=c(NA, "mean")), 
       acols=acol(plt2, id="body")) <- element_entry(fontface=2)

plt3 <- plt
# Use shading to highlight the rows for the 'versicolor' species:
propsa(plt3, arows=arow(plt3, hpath=c("versicolor"))) <- 
# Compare tables before and after modification:
print(plt, vpx=0.25, vpy=0.75)
print(plt2, vpx=0.75, vpy=0.75, newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, vpx=0.5, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)

# Striping every other row in a data frame listing (must include row names):
data(mtcars, package="datasets")
plt <- plot(textTable(head(mtcars, 10), 
                      title="Partial listing of the 'mtcars' data frame"))
ar <- arow(plt, id="body")
propsa(plt, arows=ar[ar %% 2 == 0]) <- element_block(fill="gray85")

Update Graphical Properties for Selected Table Elements


Update the graphical properties for table elements selected based on the values of element descriptors.


propsd(x, subset=NULL, setEnabled=TRUE) <- value



A pltdTable object containing a plotted table.


An expression that when evaluated gives a logical vector indicating which elements should be updated; missing values are taken as FALSE. See DETAILS.


Logical scalar. If TRUE then any element whose properties are updated by this function will have its enabled value set to TRUE (and thus will be displayed in a plot). enabled will not be changed for elements that are not updated. If setEnabled is FALSE, enabled is not changed for any elements.


An element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, or element_block object that contains the new values for graphical properties.


There are three similar functions that can be used to modify the graphical properties of table elements: props<-, propsa<-, and propsd<-. They differ only in how one specifies which elements are to be modified. props<- uses element or block ID's, or searches the text content of entries. propsa<- uses explicit row and column numbers within the augmented row-column grid. propsd<- uses the values of element descriptors (as described in ?elements).

The type of elements that are updated is determined by value: if value is an element_entry or element_refmark object then entries are updated; if it is an element_hvrule object then hvrules are; if it is an element_block object then blocks are. See the documentation for props<- for discussion of their use.

Internally entries, hvrules, and blocks are represented as data frames, with one row per element, and columns describing their content, position, and structural role in the table. (See ?elements for a list of the descriptor columns for each type of element.) Argument subset is an expression involving those columns that evaluates to a logical vector; the elements for which this vector is TRUE will be selected. (NA in the logical vector is treated as FALSE.) Thus the subset argument works in the same way as R's built-in subset function to select rows from a data frame. For example ⁠subset=(part=="body" & type=="numeric")⁠ will update graphical properties for all entries in the table body that have been tagged as representing numbers. And subset=(direction=="hrule") will update graphical properties for horizontal rules but not vertical rules.

To update every element (of the type implied by value) in the table, set subset=TRUE. To update just the currently enabled elements, set subset=enabled.

Note: Standard processing generates hvrules for all four sides of every block in the table. Since generally one doesn't want to display the blocks themselves nor most of those hvrules, they are all disabled by default. Therefore if using subset=TRUE when updating hvrules or blocks, also set setEnabled to FALSE to avoid enabling and displaying them all.

This function overrides graphical properties in x that may have been set by a style. Therefore the value of style_row is set to NA for any elements whose graphical properties are updated by this function.


An object like x, with updated graphical properties for the selected elements.

See Also

element_entry, element_refmark, element_hvrule, element_block, elements, props<-, propsa<-


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="The iris data", 
                  subtitle=c("Summary statistics by species"), 
                  foot="sd = standard deviation")
plt <- plot(ttbl)
propsd(plt, subset=(enabled)) <- element_hvrule(color="red")
propsd(plt, subset=(part == "colhead" & headlayer == 1)) <- 
  element_entry(angle=90, hjust=0.5, vjust=0.5)

Create a Style Object


Create a style object that can be used to assign graphical properties to table elements (entries, hvrules, or blocks). The properties are used when displaying the elements. Styles allow assignment of graphical properties to be based on element descriptors.


styleObj(x, type, match_columns=character(0))



Data frame with (a) column(s) that specify patterns to be used to identify and select a subset of table elements; and (b) columns specifying the graphical properties to be used for elements in the selected subset. See DETAILS. May also be a string with the path to a .csv file that will be read to create such a data frame.


Character string, one of "entry", "hvrule", or "block". This specifies the type of element to which the style will apply.


Optional character vector (possibly empty) with the names of element descriptors that are required in order to evaluate the subset selector expressions in x. See DETAILS.


A style specifies graphical properties to be used in displaying one of the element types in a table (i.e., entries, hvrules, or blocks). A style is similar to a theme in ggplot2 in that it can be applied to any table, not just a particular table.

A styleObj object is a data frame. Each row can be thought of as a pattern plus a set of graphical properties. Table elements that are to be styled are compared to the patterns. If the pattern in a style row matches a table element, the graphical properties in that row are assigned to the element. If more than one style row matches an element, the properties from the last matching row override the earlier ones.

The graphical property columns that must be present in a styleObj data frame are described in ?elements.

Specification of style patterns and how they are matched to elements is similar for table entries and blocks, and is described first. The process for hvrules is more complicated and is described second. It will be easier to follow the descriptions if one also looks at an example, such as ⁠View(styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_1)⁠ and ⁠View(styles_pkg$hvruleStyle_pkg_1)⁠.

Style specification and matching: Entry and block styles

First note that table entries and blocks internally are stored in objects that are themselves data frames, with one row per element. (These data frames can be accessed using the elements function.) Columns include element descriptors such as the table part associated with the element, its position in the table, whether the element spans multiple rows or columns, and other information. See ?elements for lists of the standard descriptors.

In styles for table entries and blocks, the pattern part of the styleObj object consists of a single column named condition. condition should contain character strings that can be interpreted as expressions involving the element descriptors mentioned in the previous paragraph. Each condition expression, when evaluated within an entries or blocks data frame, should produce a logical vector with one value per element. (Vectors of length 1 are recycled to the necessary length.) Examples of such strings are ⁠part == "rowhead" & multirow⁠ for entries and ⁠type == "colblock" & subtype == "A" & headlayer > 1⁠ for blocks.

Elements for which the condition expression in a style row evaluates to TRUE are considered to match that row of the style, and are assigned the graphical properties in that row.

An NA value (or equivalently an empty string) as a style row's condition is treated specially: it matches _any_ element. The row's graphical properties will be applied to all elements, unless overridden by a later style row.

Style specification and matching: hvrule styles

The creation and styling of hvrules is closely tied to table blocks: by default, four hvrules are created for each block, one running along each side. (They are initially disabled.) Style specification for hvrules is more complicated than for table blocks because hvrules effectively *separate* blocks. Therefore one may want their appearance to depend on characteristics of the blocks on *both* sides of the hvrule.

Similar to entries and blocks, hvrules are represented internally as a data frame with one row per hvrule. Columns include: block, the ID of the block that generated the hvrule; side, the side of block along which the hvrule runs ("top", "bottom", "left", or "right"); and adjacent_blocks, a string listing the ID's of all the blocks adjacent to block on the same side as the hvrule. That is, the hvrule separates block and the blocks in adjacent_blocks. Note that adjacent_blocks may be empty.

In styles for hvrules, the pattern part of the styleObj object consists of three columns: block_condition, side, and adjacent_condition. side is one of "top", "bottom", "left" or "right". block_condition and adjacent_condition are like the condition column for block styles: they should contain character strings that can be interpreted as expressions involving block descriptors. Each expression will be evaluated within the data frame of blocks that generated the hvrules. (Not the data frame containing the hvrules themselves.) It should produce a logical vector with one element per block; if the value is TRUE for a block, the block satisfies that expression.

An hvrule matches a given style row if (a) its generating block satisfies the style row's block_condition; (b) they have the same value of side; and (c) one or more of the hvrule's adjacent_blocks satisfies the style row's adjacent_condition.

Any of block_condition, side, and adjacent_condition in a style row may also be set to NA (or equivalently, to an empty string). In that case the corresponding criterion (a), (b), or (c) is considered to be satisfied for all hvrules, and so does not limit matches. Note that setting adjacent_condition to NA is the only way to satisfy criterion (c) if an hvrule's adjacent_blocks is empty. In all other cases, an empty adjacent_blocks will never satisfy criterion (c).


An object of S3 classes styleObj and data.frame. It will have the same number of rows and all the columns in x.

The object will have attributes element_type and match_columns, equal to the corresponding arguments.

See Also

styles_pkg contains predefined styles provided by the package. They can be examined as illustrations of how styles are specified, or edited to create new styles. elements lists the descriptors and graphical properties available for each element type.


# Built-in default styles:
if (interactive()) {

Built-In Styles for Table Elements


A list that contains pre-defined styles for table entries, blocks, and hvrules. Styles are used to assign graphical properties to elements, and thus control the appearance of a table when it is displayed. In addition to the package-provided styles in this list, users can modify or create new styles to customize their tables.




The list has the following components, each a styleObj object:

entryStyle_pkg_base, blockStyle_pkg_base, hvruleStyle_pkg_base

Minimal styles that assign the same graphical properties to all elements.

entryStyle_pkg_1, blockStyle_pkg_1, hvruleStyle_pkg_1

The default styles used by the package.


Similar to entryStyle_pkg_1, but with hpad and vpad about 50 percent larger, to give a more spacious layout of table entries.

entryStyle_pkg_null, blockStyle_pkg_null, hvruleStyle_pkg_null

"Null" styles designed to not match any element, and thus not assign graphical properties to any element. Using the null style for hvrules is a way to disable all hvrules when the plot is created (rather than afterwards using a props<- function).

See Also

styleObj, tablesggOpt


names(styles_pkg)  # built-in styles

Summarize the Dimensions and Options of a Plotted Table


Summarize the dimensions and display options of a plotted table.


## S3 method for class 'pltdTable'
summary(object, ...)



A pltdTable object, a plotted 2D data summary table.


Additional arguments, ignored with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


There is a print method for objects of the returned class.


An object of S3 class summary.pltdTable. It is a list with components


Dimensions of the augmented row-column grid for the table. See ?adim for details about this grid.


Data frame with one row for each table part, giving the dimensions of the part, in columns nr, nc.

mergeRuns, rowheadInside, rowgroupSize, scale, plot.margin, sizeAdjust

Display options used by the table. See plot.textTable for their meaning.

See Also

adim, plot.textTable


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")
plt <- plot(ttbl, rowheadInside=TRUE)

Summarize the Dimensions of a Table and Its Parts


Summarize the dimensions of a table and its parts.


## S3 method for class 'textTable'
summary(object, ...)



A textTable object, representing a 2D data summary table.


Additional arguments, ignored with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


There is a print method for objects of the returned class.


An object of S3 class summary.textTable. It is a list with components


Dimensions of the augmented row-column grid for the table. See ?adim for details about this grid.


Data frame with one row for each table part, giving the dimensions of the part, in columns nr, nc.

See Also

adim, textTable


ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="Summary statistics for the iris data")

Get or Reset Package Options


Get the values of package options, or reset all options to their "factory-fresh" defaults.


tablesggOpt(x=NULL, reset=FALSE)



Character string with the name of a single package option, or NULL.


Logical scalar. If TRUE, all options will be reset to their initial, "factory-fresh" values.


The user can change option values using the tablesggSetOpt function. The new values will stay in effect for the rest of the R session or until they are changed again by the user.


If x is the name of a single package option, the value of that option. Otherwise, a named list with the current values of all package options. In both cases the result is after resetting if reset is TRUE.

The result is invisible if reset is TRUE.

The available options are documented in ?tablesggSetOpt.

See Also

tablesggSetOpt, styles_pkg


# See names of available options:
  # The current value of option 'plot.margin':

Set the Values of Package Options


Set the values of package options.





Arguments in tag = value form, or a list of tagged values. The tags must come from the names of package options described in DETAILS below. The named options will be set to the values provided.


The new option values persist until the end of the R session or until they are changed by another call to this function or to tablesggOpt(reset=TRUE).

The options that may be set are:


A styleObj object, with element type entry. This is the default style for table entries.


A styleObj object, with element type block. This is the default style for blocks.


A styleObj object, with element type hvrule. This is the default style for hvrules.


A numeric vector of length 4, containing the amount of empty space to add around the four sides of a plotted table, in millimeters. The order of sides is top, right, bottom, left.


Logical scalar. If TRUE then text for table entries is allowed to contain markdown and HTML tags to control its appearance. TRUE is valid only if package ggtext is available.


Logical scalar. If TRUE then automatic wrapping of text for table entries is allowed. TRUE is valid only if packages ggtext and quadprog are available.

Facilities to handle markdown and automatic wrapping of entry text are provided by Claus Wilke's ggtext package ( Therefore allowMarkdown and allowWrap can be set to TRUE only when that package has been installed. Note that only a subset of HTML tags are available.


A list with the old values of the named options, invisibly.

See Also

tablesggOpt to get current values of options, or to reset options to their "factory-fresh" setting. styles_pkg for the set of package-provided table styles.


oldopt <- tablesggOpt()
  plt1 <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Factory-fresh default styles")
  # Set new default style for table entries:
  plt2 <- plot(iris2_tab, title="Changed default entry style")
  # Compare:
  print(plt1, vpy=0.75)
  print(plt2, vpy=0.25, newpage=FALSE)
  # Change the values of multiple options:
                      plot.margin=c(5, 5, 5, 5)))
  # ... plot some tables using the new defaults ...
  # Restore the old options:
  identical(tablesggOpt(), oldopt)

Create a Structure Representing a 2D Table


Create a structure representing the content and organization of a 2D table: table body, row and column headers, and annotation. All table cells are formatted as character strings. This is an S3 generic.


textTable(x, ...)



Object to be formatted as a 2D table.


Additional arguments passed to specific methods.


textTable objects are the fundamental structure used to represent table _content_ and _organization_ in the tablesgg package.

Components body, rowhead, rowheadLabels, colhead, title, subtitle, and foot correspond to the table _parts_ with those names. Empty parts should be of type character: either a 0-length vector or a matrix with one or both dimensions equal to 0, depending on the component.

Character strings representing table content may be prefixed with either "MATH_" or "MKDN_". The former indicates the string is to be interpreted as a plotmath expression, the latter that the string contains markdown or HTML tags.

Components partdim, rowhier, and colhier are automatically derived from the other components whenever a textTable is created or updated.

See Appendix A of the package vignette for more information about writing textTable methods.


An object with S3 class textTable. This is a list with components:


Character matrix containing the body of the table.


Character matrix with the same number of rows as the table body, containing row headers for the table. Row headers are displayed as a set of columns to the left of the table body. May be empty (0 columns).


Character matrix with as many columns as rowhead and at most one row, specifying labels for the rowhead columns. May be empty (0 rows).


Character matrix with the same number of columns as the table body, containing column headers for the table. Column headers are displayed as a set of rows above the table body. If rowheadLabels are present, colhead must have at least one row, but otherwise it may be empty (0 rows).

title, subtitle, foot

Character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (length 0).


Numeric matrix with one row per table part (i.e., the components listed above), and columns:

nr, nc:

Number of rows, columns in the part (nc equal to NA for annotation parts).

arow1, arow2, acol1, acol2:

First and last rows, first and last columns occupied by the part within the table's augmented row-column grid. arow* should be NA if nr is 0, acol* should be NA if nc is 0.

rowhier, colhier

Lists describing the hierarchical structure of row and column headers, respectively. Each list has one component per header layer (column of rowhead, row of colhead), in order from outermost layer to innermost. In turn, each of these components is a data frame with one row per node in the hierarchy at that layer.

Components body, rowhead, and colhead will each have an attribute type. For body this will be a character matrix with the same dimensions, containing an arbitrary string describing the type of value represented in each cell (e.g., "numeric"), or NA. For rowhead and colhead, it will be a character vector with length equal to the number of layers of headers (i.e., number of columns in rowhead, number of rows in colhead), again containing a string describing the type of values in each layer, or NA.

Components body, rowhead, rowheadLabels, colhead, title, subtitle, and foot will each have an attribute justification. It will be a character matrix or vector of the same size and shape as the component. Values "l", "c", "r" specify left, centered, and right horizontal justification of text, respectively, for the corresponding table entry. Value NA means that the type of justification is not specified–it will be set by the entry style used when plotting the table.

See Also

Specific methods for creating textTable's from other objects.

Create a texttable as a Simple Listing of a Data Frame


Create a textTable object representing a simple listing of a data frame.


## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
textTable(x, title=character(0), subtitle=character(0), 
    foot=character(0), row.names="", na="NA", ...)



A data frame.

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


A logical scalar or a character string. If FALSE, the row names of x are not included in the table. If TRUE, the row names are included as row headers, with a row header label of "row.names". If a character string, row names are included as row headers, and if the string is not empty, it is used as the row header label.


Character string used to represent missing values (NAs) in the body of the table.


Additional arguments passed to


This function processes a data frame into a table that is simply a listing of the data. There is one row in the body of the table per observation in x, and one column per variable in x. There is at most one layer of row headers (depending on argument row.names), and exactly one layer of column headers (the variable names in x).


An object with S3 class textTable. The body of the table will contain the values of the data frame variables, after formatting x with format(x, ...). The variable names will be used as the column header, and if row.names is not FALSE, the row names will form the row header.


data(iris, package="datasets")
ttbl <- textTable(head(iris, 10), row.names="Obs. #", 
                  title=c("The iris data", "(First 10 observations)"))

Create a texttable from an ftable


Create a textTable object representing a flattened multiway contingency table.


## S3 method for class 'ftable'
textTable(x, colheadLabels=c("layers", "none", "paste"), sep=": ", 
    title=character(0), subtitle=character(0), foot=character(0), ...)



An ftable object, as produced by R's ftable function, representing a flattened multiway contingency table.


Character scalar; how to display names of column header variables. "none" means to not display them. "layers" (the default) means to display them as additional column header layers (so each header variable occupies two rows instead of one). "paste" means to paste the variable name in front of each of its values, separated by sep.


Character scalar; string that separates a variable name from its values when colheadLabels is "paste".

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


Ignored, with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


An object with S3 class textTable. See the documentation for the generic for details about its structure.

See Also

ftable, format.ftable


# From examples in '?ftable':
data(Titanic, package="datasets")
ft <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2, col.vars = "Survived")
ttbl <- textTable(ft, title="Plotting an 'ftable'")

data(mtcars, package="datasets")
ft <- ftable(mtcars$cyl, mtcars$vs, mtcars$am, mtcars$gear, row.vars = c(2, 4),
             dnn = c("Cylinders", "V/S", "Transmission", "Gears"))
ttbl <- textTable(ft, colheadLabels="none")
plt1 <- plot(ttbl, title="Plotting an 'ftable'", 
             subtitle="No colheadLabels")
ttbl <- textTable(ft, colheadLabels="layers")
plt2 <- plot(ttbl, title="Plotting an 'ftable'", 
             subtitle="colheadLabels = 'layers'")
ttbl <- textTable(ft, colheadLabels="paste")
plt3 <- plot(ttbl, title="Plotting an 'ftable'", 
             subtitle="colheadLabels = 'paste'")
print(plt1, position=c("left", "top"))
print(plt2, position=c("left", "center"), newpage=FALSE)
print(plt3, position=c("left", "bottom"), newpage=FALSE)

Create a texttable from a Matrix


Create a textTable object from a matrix.


## S3 method for class 'matrix'
textTable(x, rcnames=c(TRUE, TRUE), title=character(0), 
    subtitle=character(0), foot=character(0), na="NA", ...)



A matrix.


A logical or character vector of length 2. The first element applies to rows, the second to columns. If FALSE, row/column names are not included. If TRUE and x has row/column names, they are included as a row/column header. Further, if the row/column dimension itself has a non-empty name, it is included as an additional, outer row/column header layer. A character string is treated the same as TRUE, except that the string is used as the dimension name (and thus an empty string will not create an outer header layer).

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


Character string used to represent missing values (NAs) in the body of the table.


Additional arguments passed to format(x, ...).


An object with S3 class textTable. The body of the table will contain the matrix values, after formatting x with format(x, ...). Row and column names may be included as headers, depending on argument rcnames.


data(iris, package="datasets")
mat <- data.matrix(subset(iris, Species == "setosa")[, 1:4])
ttbl <- textTable(cor(mat), digits=3, title="Correlations for setosa irises")
plt <- plot(ttbl)
# Make hvrules invisible:
propsd(plt, subset=enabled) <- element_hvrule(color=NA)

Create a texttable from a table or xtabs Object


Create a textTable object representing a flattened multiway contingency table.


## S3 method for class 'table'
textTable(x, colheadLabels=c("layers", "none", "paste"), sep=": ", 
    title=character(0), subtitle=character(0), foot=character(0), ...)



A table object, as produced by R's table or xtabs functions, representing a multiway contingency table.


Character scalar; how to display names of column header variables. "none" means to not display them. "layers" (the default) means to display them as additional column header layers (so each header variable occupies two rows instead of one). "paste" means to paste the variable name in front of each of its values, separated by sep.


Character scalar; string that separates a variable name from its values when colheadLabels is "paste".

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


Additional arguments passed to ftable, to convert x to an ftable object.


This function simply converts x to an ftable (flattened multiway contingency table), then applies the corresponding textTable method to that object.

It also works for xtabs objects since they inherit from table.


An object with S3 class textTable. See the documentation for the generic for details about its structure.

See Also

ftable, xtabs


# UCBAdmissions is a contingency table in array form ('table' object).
data(UCBAdmissions, package="datasets")
ttbl <- textTable(UCBAdmissions)
plot(ttbl, title=c("Plotting a 'table' object:", "UCB Admissions data"))

# Method also works for 'xtabs' since they inherit from 'table' (example 
# from '?xtabs'):
data(warpbreaks, package="datasets")
warpbreaks$replicate <- rep_len(1:9, 54)
xt <- xtabs(breaks ~ wool + tension + replicate, data = warpbreaks)
ttbl <- textTable(xt, title="Plotting an 'xtabs' object (warpbreaks data)")

Create a texttable from a tabular Object


Convert a tabular object, representing a 2D data summary table, into a textTable object, which can be plotted.


## S3 method for class 'tabular'
textTable(x, title=character(0), subtitle=character(0), 
    foot=character(0), rowheadLabels=TRUE, ...)



An object of class tabular, representing a 2D data summary table, as produced by the tables package.

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


Character vector or logical scalar specifying labels for the row header columns of the table. FALSE or character(0) means no labels, TRUE will attempt to extract labels from x.


Additional arguments passed to format.tabular.


tabular objects are produced by the tabular function in package tables. This function converts them to textTable objects to enable plotting. It can also add table annotation.

Row headers and column headers are derived from the rowLabels and colLabels attributes of x, respectively. It appears that tabular objects always have "rowLabels", "colLabels" and a body with non-zero dimensions (although this is not required for textTable objects in general). In addition, runs of duplicated values in rowLabels and colLabels are replaced by NA; the NAs are changed back to the original values by this function. The dropcells attribute is a character matrix matching the table body. If not NA, the value in dropcells is used to replace the cell content after formatting.

In the returned object, components body, rowhead, and colhead will each have an attribute type. For body the attribute is a character matrix containing a string describing the type of value represented in each cell of the table body; namely, the first element of the vector returned by function class() as applied to each element of x. For rowhead and colhead, type is a character vector with one element per header variable (i.e., per column of rowhead or row of colhead). Since tabular objects do not retain the classes of the variables that define row and column dimensions of a table, type will be set to NA.

Components of the returned object will also have an attribute justification. It will be a character matrix or vector of the same size and shape as the component; a value of NA means that the type of justification is not specified. Values for the table body and row and column headers will be taken from x. Values for table annotation will be NA.


An object with S3 class textTable. See the documentation for the generic function for a description of the structure of this object.

See Also

tables::tabular, tables::format.tabular, plot.textTable


# 'iris2_tab' is a 'tabular' object created using 'tables::tabular'.
# 'tables' package provides a 'print' method for such objects:
if (requireNamespace("tables", quietly=TRUE)) {
# This package provides 'textTable' and 'plot' methods for such objects:
ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab)
# ... or just
#plot(iris2_tab)  # same

Create a texttable from an xtable Object


Create a textTable from an xtable object produced by the xtable package. The textTable can then be styled and plotted.


## S3 method for class 'xtable'
textTable(x, title, subtitle=character(0), foot=character(0), 
    row.names="", na="", mathExponents=TRUE, ...)



An xtable object as produced by the xtable package.


Optional character vector containing title lines for the table. May be empty (character(0)). The default is to use the first element of the caption attribute of x, if present.

subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing additional annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0), the default).


A logical scalar or a character string. If FALSE, the row names of x are not included in the table. If TRUE, the row names are included as row headers, with a row header label of "row.names". If a character string, row names are included as row headers, and if the string is not empty, it is used as the row header label.


String to be used to represent missing values in x. The default value is the empty string "".


Logical scalar. If TRUE, then numerical values in x that are formatted into scientific notation (i.e., strings like "3.14e-02", specified by values of e or E in the display attribute of x) will be plotted in math style, with the power of 10 shown as a superscript.


Additional named arguments passed to formatC, when converting values in x to character strings. They must not include digits or format, which are specified within x itself.


This function was designed based on the structure of objects produced by version 1.8-4 of the xtable package.

An xtable object is a data frame that contains the columns of the table and attributes that specify how those columns are to be formatted. This function uses those attributes to created formatted character strings for each table entry, and assembles them into a textTable object, which may then be styled and plotted.

Formatting is done by formatC using the digits and display attributes of x. The align attribute is used to set the justification attributes in the returned textTable. (Vertical rule characters, |, within align are ignored; use an hvruleStyle or the addHvrule function to insert vertical rules into the plotted table, as shown in the examples.)


An object with S3 class textTable. See the documentation for the generic for details about its structure.


# 'tli_xtab' is an 'xtable' object created using 'xtable::xtable':
# This package provides a 'textTable' method for such objects:
ttbl <- textTable(tli_xtab)

if (requireNamespace("xtable", quietly=TRUE)) withAutoprint({
  data(tli, package="xtable")
  # ANOVA table.
  fm1 <- aov(tlimth ~ sex + ethnicty + grade + disadvg, data = tli)
  plt1 <- plot(textTable(fm1.table <- xtable::xtable(fm1), 
                         title="xtable: ANOVA table"))

  # Table of linear regression results.
  fm2 <- lm(tlimth ~ sex*ethnicty, data = tli)
  plt2 <- plot(textTable(fm2.table <- xtable::xtable(fm2), 
                         title="xtable: Linear regression"))
  # Time series table.
  temp.ts <- ts(cumsum(1 + round(rnorm(100), 0)), start = c(1954, 7), 
                frequency = 12)
  plt3 <- plot(textTable(xtable::xtable(temp.ts, digits = 0), 
                         title="xtable: Time series"))
  # Math style for scientific notation.
  plt4 <- plot(textTable(xtable::xtable(data.frame(text = c("foo","bar"),
                                                   googols = c(10e10,50e10),
                                                   small = c(8e-24,7e-5),
                                                   row.names = c("A","B")),
                                        display = c("s","s","g","g")),
                         mathExponents = TRUE, 
                     title=c("xtable:", "Math style for scientific notation")))
  print(plt1, position=c(0.1, 0.9))
  print(plt2, position=c(0.1, 0.5), newpage=FALSE)
  print(plt3, position=c(0.1, 0.1), newpage=FALSE)
  print(plt4, position=c(0.9, 0.9), newpage=FALSE)
  # By default vertical rules specified by '|' characters in 'align' are 
  # ignored.  They can be added afterward using the 'addHvrule' function 
  # as follows:
  tli.table <- xtable::xtable(tli[1:10, ])
  xtable::align(tli.table) <- "|rrl|l|lr|"
  plt <- plot(textTable(tli.table, 
                        title="xtable: Vertical rules derived from 'align'"))
  pipe_posn <- which(unlist(strsplit(attr(tli.table, "align"), "")) == "|")
  vrule_acol <- pipe_posn - seq_along(pipe_posn) + 0.5
  for (ac in vrule_acol)  plt <- addHvrule(plt, direction="vrule", acols=ac, 
                                           arows=arow(plt, "colhead_and_body"), 

Create a texttable from an xtablelist Object


Create a textTable from an xtableList object produced by the xtable package. Such an object represents a set of subtables that are to be stacked into a single table, with "subheadings" separating the subtables. The textTable that is produced by this function uses the subheadings as an additional, outer row header layer. That layer can optionally be moved inside the table by setting rowheadInside=TRUE when the table is plotted.


## S3 method for class 'xtableList'
textTable(x, title, subtitle=character(0), foot, ...)



An xtableList object as produced by the xtable package. All the subtables in x must have the same column names.


Optional character vector containing title lines for the table. May be empty (character(0)). The default is to use the first element of the caption attribute of x, if present.

subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors providing additional annotation for the table. May be empty (i.e., character(0)). The default for foot is the message attribute of x.


Additional arguments passed to textTable.xtable for each of the subtables in x. See the documentation for that function.


This function was designed based on the structure of objects produced by version 1.8-4 of the xtable package.

If x has a message attribute, it is used as the default value of the foot component of the returned textTable.

If components of x have no subheading attribute, then the subtables are simply stacked, with no additional row header layer to separate or distinguish them. It is an error if only some of the components have a subheading attribute.


An object with S3 class textTable. See the documentation for the generic for details about its structure.


# 'mtcars_xtab' is an 'xtableList', following an example in the 
# "listOfTablesGallery" vignette of the 'xtable' package.  (See '?mtcars_xtab'
# for the code to create it.)
plot(textTable(mtcars_xtab), rowheadInside=TRUE, 
     title="Example of plotting an 'xtableList'",
     subtitle="(With 'rowheadInside=TRUE')")

Table of Test Scores and Demographics for 20 Students


This is a table of the first 20 observations from the data frame tli from package xtable. The observations include demographic data and math scores, from the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, for 20 students.




An xtable object as produced by version 1.8-4 of the xtable package (⁠⁠). The table was produced with the following code:

data("tli", package="xtable")
  tli_xtab <- xtable::xtable(tli[1:20, ])
  xtable::display(tli_xtab)[c(2,6)] <- "f"
  xtable::digits(tli_xtab) <- matrix(0:4, nrow = 20, ncol = ncol(tli)+1)


  • Texas Education Agency, <URL:>



Update a pltdtable (Plotted Table) Object


Update a pltdTable (plotted table) object with new styles or scaling.


## S3 method for class 'pltdTable'
update(object, entryStyle=NULL, blockStyle=NULL, hvruleStyle=NULL, 
    scale=NULL, plot.margin=attr(object, "plot.margin"), 
    sizeAdjust=attr(object, "sizeAdjust"), ...)



A pltdTable object, containing a plotted table.

entryStyle, blockStyle, hvruleStyle

Optional styleObj objects, specifying new styles for assigning graphical properties to table entries, blocks, or hvrules. The default value of NULL leaves the corresponding style of object unchanged.


Optional numeric multiplier used to increase or decrease the displayed size of table elements, relative to the natural size implied by their (possibly updated) styles. If it has length two, the first element applies to entries and blocks, and the second to hvrules. The default is to use the existing scale value(s) in object.

plot.margin, sizeAdjust

See the documentation for plot.textTable. The default is to use the same values that were used to create object.


Ignored, with a warning. (Included for compatibility with the generic.)


Updating a plotted table is limited to changing its style or scale–changes that do not affect the augmented row-column grid of the table. (See adim for a description of that grid.) For other changes, start with a textTable object, and edit it and/or replot it using different arguments (e.g., rowheadInside, rowgroupSize, mergeRuns, or annotation).

Updating does not change the enabled field for any entries, blocks, or existing hvrules.

When argument hvruleStyle is provided, hvrules are regenerated by applying the style to the blocks component of object. These new hvrules replace any existing hvrules with the same ID. However existing hvrules with other ID's are left unchanged.


An object of S3 class pltdTable, inheriting from ggplot. See plot.textTable for details about this object.

See Also

plot.textTable, styleObj


# Plot using 'factory-fresh' entry style:
plt <- plot(textTable(iris2_tab), entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_1)
# Change to a generic style that uses the same graphical properties for 
# all entries:
plt2 <- update(plt, entryStyle=styles_pkg$entryStyle_pkg_base)
# Also make the plot smaller:
plt3 <- update(plt2, scale=0.8)

Update a texttable Object


Update a textTable object with new annotation or rowheadLabels.


## S3 method for class 'textTable'
update(object, title=NULL, subtitle=NULL, foot=NULL, 
    rowheadLabels=NULL, ...)



A textTable object, representing a 2D table with all cells formatted as character strings.

title, subtitle, foot

Optional character vectors of annotation for the table. NULL means to leave the current annotation unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.


Optional character vector or 1-row matrix specifying labels for the row header columns of the table. NULL means to leave the current value unchanged (the default); character(0) means to omit/remove it.


Ignored, with a warning. (Present for compatibility with the generic.)


To indicate that a string in title, subtitle, foot, or rowheadLabels is to be interpreted as a plotmath expression, prefix it with MATH_. To indicate that it contains markdown or HTML tags, prefix it with MKDN_.


A textTable object with annotation set or changed based on the provided arguments.

See Also



ttbl <- textTable(iris2_tab, title="The iris data", 
                  foot="sd = standard deviation")
# Change annotation:
ttbl <- update(ttbl, title=c("The iris data", "Summary statistics by species"), 
# Change row header labels:
ttbl <- update(ttbl, rowheadLabels=c("Species", "Summary\nstatistic"))